Multi-level urban plans from the municipal level to the block level have been published and implemented. The conservation and management system for Beijing Central Axis has been developed at both property and component levels. At the property level, the Beijing Municipal Leading Group for Building the National Cultural Center, led by municipal leaders, coordinates central, municipal, and district governments and various authorities of cultural heritage, urban planning, culture and tourism, parks and forestry, transport, and water, to deliberate and decide on major matters concerning the conservation of the nominated property. Beijing Central Axis Conservation Center is responsible for implementing decisions made by the Leading Group and carrying out regular management such as heritage monitoring and archival management. The heritage impact assessment and risk management mechanisms have been embedded in the management system.

At the component level, a site manager has been set up for each of the 15 nominated components to be responsible for routine maintenance, conservation, monitoring, research, and presentation. The protection of Beijing Central Axis has gained active support from all the stakeholders who are able to engage in the decision-making process for its conservation and management